Dec 6, 2011

Grenadier Review

Will Grenadier's service with a smile put one on your face?

Oct 30, 2011


So my plan—the grand plan—is to try and write a couple of reviews (most likely of anime) to start giving this blog a more interesting aspect besides rotting in-between silly projects. Currently, I'm slowly slogging through a couple of other shows right now, so as soon as I finish I'll start watching and reviewing the stuff we don't see everyday.

Sep 18, 2011

Font for Episodes 16 and 23.

If for whatever reason the chanting sequences give you some seemingly unfitting dialogue, oops! The cat's out of the bag. Since you can't understand the Draconic dialogue, I decided to have fun with the words and disguised them in a magical, unreadable font so it wouldn't seem out of place.

If you don't like it, mux this in with episodes 16 and 23 to fix the problem.

Sep 10, 2011

On the Next Episode of SSSVS...

So now that the Wakfu subs are pretty much done—barring any small fixes or changes that people want to see—I find myself wondering what to do with this blog to keep it interesting.

If you're still looking for Wakfu related things here, let me tell you what else to expect from checking up on this blog:

Sep 5, 2011

C'est Fini! All of the subs are finished.

Grab all of the subs here, and read the instructions if you want to merge them with the episodes!
1) 75% of the script is re-worded in some way to eliminate awkward dialogue.
2) More consistency between episodes.
3) Better timing in some areas.
4) Less typos.
5) Clean and easy-to-read font.
6) Clean and simple OP Karaoke