May 26, 2011

The name's Monde. Smisse Monde.

 For the subs to display properly, download this .zip containing the font and muxing instructions.
Episode 14: Moon Island
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 15: Adamai
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 16:  The Eliacube
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 17:  The Eternal Grougaloragran
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 18: The Brotherhood of Tofu 
Download the subs: [MF]

Starting in episode 16, I've used the karaoke present in the current subs and refined it a bit to suit my tastes (more pleasant styling). Once everything's done, the karaoke will be added to all previous episodes in the final release. So don't mind the sudden addition, please. It'll all be consistent afterwards.

Original subtitles by: Zograf (14, 15) [EF] (15) Lordkelson1 (15, 18) FPSW Radiant Destiny (15) Paranoia (15) Ben (15) Caedo (15, 16, 17, 18) Deafdefiler (17)  

May 15, 2011

Enter the legend...

 For the subs to display properly, download this .zip containing the font and muxing instructions.

Episode 9: Ruel's Bag
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 10: Gobb-ball Hell - Part 1
Click here for larger image.
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 11: Gobb-ball Hell - Part 2
Click here for larger image.
 Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 12: Gobb-ball Hell - Part 3
Click here for larger image.
  Download the subs: [MF]
Episode 25...
  Download the subs: [MF] 

The Gobb-ball (Boufbowl) arc was just slightly annoying to edit. The subtitles were quite different through each episode and the terms and grammar changed quite a bit, so I did my best to fix everything.

I hope the names and terms are alright with everyone. Besides a few happy changes, let me know if anything bugs you.

I finished watching season one last night, and boy, was it a blast. How could I resist making episode 25 fancy? I just had to go and edit another random episode for the heck of it.

Unless there are really important changes I need to make, I won't upload new versions of the currently edited subtitles when I've only made a minor change. In the end, I'll make a .zip of the, "final" subtitles that should fix the random errors me or my friend discover.

Original subtitles by: Monsieur Traductuer (9) Curiositythecatkiller. (9, 11, 12 ) LordKelson1 (12) [EF] (10?) Episode 25 was uncredited.

May 8, 2011

More clean and easy to read subtitles.

Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8
Go to this Mediafire folder and download the subs!

So it looks like I'm going in order now.
Once I catch up to episode 13 there won't be any random, out of place episodes in between.

I don't feel like posting preview images for each episode here, so check out the second-to-last-post if you don't know what the subs look like.

Individual links for each episode's subtitle file will be added to the sidebar shortly, but go here to download them all.

Remember! These subtitles are merely edited for quality, but not accuracy! I fix everything up the best I can by going off of the original subtitles. When it comes to sentences that just sound out of place and the few untranslated lines that I happen to catch, then I'll re-mold them to keep the flow going.

If you don't know French (like me), you won't even notice. If you do know French and understand something that's really off, let me know and I will fix it.

Original subtitles by: [EF] (1, 2, 3, 4, and 6), and FPSW Radiant Destiny and Chojiki (8).

May 7, 2011

Folder Icon P/a/ck.

Version 1 (187 256x256 icons): [MF]

Currently, the pack contains 187 icons for any of you who want to display your fabulous collection.
This collection of icons is based off what Anime I have (coming to roughly 283 folders) so I'm nowhere near being done yet.

The priority for this pack is actually lower than editing the grammar and such in the Wakfu subs, but I had all these icons since before I started doing the latter project. I thought that I may as well upload them now.

I should have more Wakfu subs at some point in the near future. It's all based off of when I watch further into the series and how often I come across poorly-edited subs.

May 3, 2011

Progress on Wakfu!

 For the subs to display properly, download this .zip containing the font and muxing instructions.

Episode 5: The Magnificent 5

Full-sized Screenshots: 01 02 03 04
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 7: Poisonous

Full-sized Screenshots: 01 02 03 04
Download the subs: [MF]

Episode 13: Blue Calm

Full-sized Screenshots: 01 02 03 04
Download the subs: [MF]

So far, episodes 5, 7, and 13 have been fully edited.

I chose these because their subtitles struck as me as the worst out of the bunch so far. This is going solely by the DVD Rips. In fact, some of the subtitles translations were better in their previous TV-Rip incarnations.
It struck me quite noticeably in Episode 5. The subtitle translations were mostly the same, but one had translation notes and worse grammar in places than the other.

I ended up styling the subtitles a little bit, as you can see. The default font began to annoy me so I searched for something simple, clean, and easy on the eyes to use. So they're fairly plain but look much, much better than the old subtitles.
You can see the differences in the very first image compared to the one from my previous post (Bare in mind that I had already edited the text at this point. I just took out a word later on for the sake of simplicity.)

Finally, all credits previously displayed at the beginning of the subtitles themselves are not actually removed. They're now labeled as comments in the .ass file.


Original subtitles by: Frenchy Anon (5) the Flower-patterned-shirt-wearing Radiant Destiny (5, 7) and Zograf. (13)

May 2, 2011

What I plan to do with this page.

Alright, so I have some future goals set out for this fancy little spot. Why can't I press the Enter Key here? Start a new line, gosh darn it.

Oh, there we go.

The first, most likely thing that is going to happen here on this very blog is this:
  • Edit the subtitles created by the various people over at /co/ for the French Animation, Wakfu, to suit my personal tastes.
This means doing the following:
  • Correct as many grammatical errors as possible that are present throughout the translation.
  • Fix anything that seems out of place by pulling a woolseyism. Any changes made will only be for the sake of enjoyment in very specific situations that require it. I won't muck around with the serious scenes or stuff that makes sense.
  • Fix badly timed lines.
  • Possibly re-style the subtitles a little bit.
  • Shift all the subtitles upwards for ease of viewing.
  • Uploading and hosting the .ass files to Mediafire or something. I will not upload the episodes themselves, only the subtitles. You will have to mux them yourself if you do not want them hanging outside your .mkv files or .avi files or whatever. (Shame on you if you keep those .avi files!)

Now I'm editing the episodes with the most problems as I go along. In the end, I might not fully edit every single one if the majority of them are passable. We'll see whether or not boredom strikes me by then.

For now, take a look at the image at the very top of this post. I took a snapshot of the edited subtitles from Episode 4 during a completely random moment. I think it fits this post perfectly.

Okay, now that the Wakfu stuff is out of the way, let me talk about the next thing I have in mind.

What I plan to do next is sort out and host my collection of folder icons here.

I like having the folder that contains all my Anime look fancy. Also, that other folder that contains Wakfu and other stuff from different places of the world.

I posted a .7zip of my collection in a thread someplace else, but it was a horrible mess and did not contain a whole lot (I currently only have 150 icons made for specific Anime series.)

That will be all.